The “Open Source Strategist”
Vision for the Future
We Are Better Together
We’re in the midst of tumultuous times, with seismic shifts heralding significant change in America and the world at large. Samuel Armes believes we’re at the brink of either a collapse or a Renaissance and it’s our duty to ensure the latter. Samuel Armes’ goal is to establish Florida as a beacon of this Renaissance – using it as a model for technological enlightenment and rejuvenation.
Samuel Armes' Belief in Crypto
Pushing Forward
Crypto, blockchain, and Bitcoin are game-changing technologies that Samuel Armes’ believes will significantly alter humanity’s trajectory. They offer unprecedented decentralization, fostering freedom of thought, science, politics, and strategy. Crypto, in Samuel Armes’ view, is key to a future of exciting technology and general freedom.
Samuel Armes’ Theory for Change-Making
Meaningful Action / Working Together
To make a better world, we need to focus on individuals, nurturing their sense of purpose and creating a healthy environment for them. Samuel Armes aims to inspire others by leading by example, showing what’s possible with passion and commitment. Samuel Armes finds inspiration from various historical and biblical figures, whose stories offer valuable lessons for us all.
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